So, I know this is a super random post, but, I went to school today and am FINALLY close enough to take some time off. I can hardly believe we go back to school a week from today. Here’s a few picks from what’s been done so far…

The first item on my agenda today was to get my boards together.. Still waiting to see if our custodians are going to grant my white board wish, so 1 is unfinished, but most are pretty much done. This is the helper chart – still needs a label at the top!

This rainbow pocket chart makes a wonderful chart for center rotations. My groups are color groups (red, yellow, green, blue, purple). This year I added a tape strip down the center to differentiate for literacy centers and math centers. When I get the kids grouped, I will add a colored piece of paper for each group that lists the kids in the group. It has worked really well in the past; if a child has a lost look on their face during center time, I simply tell them to check the chart (or one of their precious friends will help them with this!).

Here’s a wider view of the focus wall. As I move into 1st this year, I’m still trying to get a feel for what I will need on the math and literacy wall. Any helpful hints or tips?

The writing center still needs a little work, but it is a start. I found this super cute table and two chairs at a yard sale for $15 total – with polka dots already painted on!

I have to share this A-DoR-a-bLe door hanging that was waiting on me when I got to school last week! One of my absolute favorite teachers painted this little goody to hang on my classroom door, so you know it was hanging up THAT DAY! (Thank you, Mrs. Frye – I LOVE it!)
To spread a little random your way, if you are still needing school supplies you MUST check out Walgreen’s this week! They have absolutely amazing deals on 3M hooks (2pk for $3), pencils, folders, highlighters, dry erase markers & cleaner, and my favorite – sheet protectors (which I use for nearly everything!). Hopefully this is something you might be able to use!
Hugs coming your way as you sweet teachers prep your classrooms this week!
Take care,